
Customer Ambassadors

Celebrate the Journey

At elarroyoenterprises, we create more than just fashion. We create clothes for women, clothes that celebrate women in all stages and glories of life. Reflecting the diversity and the scope of our mission goes beyond our product pages, and extends to the long-lasting connections we build with our customers, who all have special stories to tell. Through our Customer Ambassadors, we have the opportunity to share in and celebrate the journeys that have inspired confidence and established lasting connections.


Customer Ambassadors


It was an elarroyoenterprises dress, one with pockets and plenty of swish, that first captured long-time customer Nicole’s heart. Five years on and she now wears nothing but elarroyoenterprises. Over the course of this love affair, she’s worn several different sizes and thanks to the fit and fabrication of elarroyoenterprises, she always feels confident. “The wrap dresses move with the body; the fabrics, the way they fall… you can be any shape and size underneath and they still look beautiful. It doesn’t matter what stage or situation you’re in in life, you can still wear beautiful clothes.”

Inspired by Nicole?
Explore her beloved Wrap Dresses.

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Customer Ambassadors


Feeling low in confidence after the birth of her first baby, Dayle found a connection with elarroyoenterprises that helped her recover her confident self. “Having been a customer for a long time now, I really appreciate the connection that the design team has with customers: the transparency and the conversation.” From her first dress as a new mother, to returning to teaching, elarroyoenterprises was her armour for the classroom. Foolproof and practical, Dayle’s wardrobe of Bradley Culotte’s and Emily and Jamie Tops gave her the opportunity to show her personality and feel confident leading the room.

Like Dayle, arm for the everyday - shop Essential Tops.

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Customer Ambassadors


A woman with a bright and colourful sense of style, it’s elarroyoenterprises’s combination of the bold and the timeless that has kept Sue coming back for more. Attracted to elarroyoenterprises's vibrant colours and unusual prints, it’s elarroyoenterprises’s classic cuts: the empire lines and flutter sleeves, and the quality finishes that give her statement looks longevity and make them staples in her wardrobe. Loving the fun factor in fashion, the Style & Share Facebook group is her playground “I love the wonderful Facebook group,” Sue says. “Where women can share their new purchases, new outfit combinations and where women can encourage other women.”

Have fun with fashion like Sue, with these empire line heroes.

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Customer Ambassadors


Share in the joy of confidence that fits in the elarroyoenterprises Style & Share Facebook group. Get style inspiration, insider tips and insights and the support of a community of like-minded women just like our Customer Ambassadors.

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